Students will develop a business plan for a future business operation in any area that might be related to sports: Sports team, athletic facility (gym, stadium,arena, etc.), services (medical, recreational, etc.) or other. In your, plan consider the following suggested. Marketing plan – what is the size of market you will go after? How would you assess that? What ways and means would you engage to explore and win the necessary market segments for your success. Financial plan – Where would the initial capital come from? Predict the cash flow in the first months of the operation. When is your break-even point expected to appear? How would you finance the business growth? How would you Finance the operational cost? Legal Plan – What legal challenges would have to be addressed? How would you make sure that your business is in accordance with the law? Business operation – Develop an organizational structure. Discuss positions that would have to be filled. How many employees in those positions, planned compensation, required qualifications? What will you use for a facility? will it be rented, owned, constructed, or adapted? Where is the location? What is the cost of acquiring and cost of the maintenance?