Informatics Fundamentals

INFM 109 Informatics Fundamentals – Research Paper



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INFM 109 Informatics Fundamentals – Research Paper 1

Introduction and General Due Dates 2

General Instructions 2

Suggested Structure of Research Paper 5

Research Paper Evaluation Checklist 6

Examples of Academic Journals 7

Before you turn in your paper…  CHECK LIST. 9




Introduction and General Due Dates

You are to write a research paper about an approved topic in the field of Informatics. The topic must be of current interest to Informatics students and professionals. In Module 5, you will make your topic selection. Your final paper is due at the end of Module 15, with other deliverable due according to the following schedule.


Module Project Deliverable
01 Project Overview – Download and review the attached document for details about the final project.
05 Discussion Board –Topic Selection

Topic Selection for Research Paper – You must select a topic for your final project. Submit the topic selection discussion forum in Module 05. Topics are selected on a first come, first served basis. If the instructor determines that the topic you chose has already been assigned, you will be required to choose a different topic.

08 Library Visit–Lecture on how to use the electronic research resources that ITCC Library has. Find the resources needed for your research paper. See Calendar for Dates
10 Thesis Statement– you should have begun your search for resources.  Submit a thesis statement revising your topic and begin writing  your paper
11 Outline–Ok…this is a hard one, I know. I would suggest, that since you are going to be required to do a presentation, you do an outline in the PowerPoint application that you use. Convert that Outline into a Word Document (using whatever application that you are using for the word processor (don’t forget to save it for .doc)) and turn in the outline. That doesn’t mean that you are locked in to the outline order.
11 Document Review Appointment– Make an appointment through CAE for a document review to make sure that your research paper is professional. Have them check the PowerPoint while you’re at it.
13 Turn in the Rough Draft and Document Review from CAE. This assignment is worth 100 points. 50% of which is the CAE review.
15 Research Paperand Presentation Submission–You should submit your final paper and presentation
16 Peer Review/Critique – present a summary and review at least two of the projects of your fellow learners.



General Instructions

Your paper should include at least one chart or table created with data to support your research.


Your paper must be 5 pages of typed, doubled-spaced text, not including your works cited or figures. MLA Format is required.

Your paper should include at least one chart or table created with data to support your research.   Your research paper will be graded according to the criteria on the rubric below:


Project Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Content 30.0 pts


Expectations –

Virtually all of the project content

effectively addresses the student’s specific topic.

16.0 pts. Meets expectations – some to most of the project content

effectively addressees the student’s specific topic

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Little or none of the project content

effectively addresses the student’s specific topic

30 pts.



20.0 pts.


Expectations –Paper and presentation are well organized and put together in a logical and consistent way. It is organized in a way that is easy for all to read and understand the goals of the project.

11.0 pts. Meets

expectations – Paper and presentation are organized and the flow of information is logical. Readers and viewers will have few problems with understanding the goals of the project

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper and presentation is not well organized and it is often hard to follow the flow of the information.

20.0 pts.
Grammar 20.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper has very few or no significant grammatical and/or spelling errors (2 or less).

11.0 pts.

Meets expectations – Paper has a large number of significant grammatical and/or spelling errors (between 2 and 10).

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper has a large number of

significant grammatical and/or spelling errors (10 or more).

20.0 pts.
Resources 10.0 pts.


Expectations – Uses 6 or more external resources.

5.0 pts.

Meets expectations – Uses 3-5 external resources.

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Uses 1 or less external resources.

Paper Length 10.0 pts.


Expectations –

Paper length is at a minimum 5 page.

5. 0 pts.

Meets expectations – Paper length is between 3 and 5 pages.

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper length is less than 3 pages.

10.0 pts.
Paper Formatting 10.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper has few or no errors in formatting for the

MLA style format.

4.0 pts.

Meets expectations – Paper has some mistakes in formatting for the MLA style format.

0.0 pts.


Expectations – Paper does not use proper MLA formatting for citations

10.0 pts.
Presentation 100 pts.


Expectations –

*14 Slides – minimum

*2 front and 2 back matter

*Title Slide

*Name of


*Student Name

Class name with

*Section Number




*Works Cited

*10 Body Slides *Has a

graph or table


50.0 pts.

Meets expectations – * Less than 14

* Missing portions of the front and back matter.  *Errors in formatting the Works Cited page.
*Has poorly formed table or graph.

0.0 pts.


Expectations –
* Missing all of the front and back matter. *Works cited page missing. *No table or graph.


100.0 pts.





Suggested Structure of Research Paper


  1. Introduction
  2. Background
    1. Topic Importance
    2. Historical Basics – if any
  3. Purpose and contents of this paper
    1. Target Audience
    2. Overall objective
      1. Within the overall objective, the specific issues or question addressed in the paper
      2. A precise statement of the content of the paper

Scope and limitation of the paper

iii.Usefulness of the paper

– How would the target audience benefit from reading your paper?

  1. The body of your paper with proper heading and sub-headings
  2. Conclusion
    1. A brief summary of the paper
    2. Major conclusion and recommendations
  3. Works Cited








Research Paper Evaluation Checklist


Avoid typos, organize your paper, cite references appropriately, and avoid frequent or large direct quotes.



Clear problem and purpose


Works Cited – includes at least 6 sources

At least 2 ‘Academic’ Journals

No more than 1 Web site source

At least 1 printed book


Currency of sources

All sources must be less than 3 years old


Appropriate conclusion and suggestion for further research


Depth of coverage of the topic

(5 pages excluding Works Cited and figures)


Understandable prose


Include at least one table/chart













Examples of Academic and Trade Journals


MIS Quarterly

Information System Research

Journals of management Information System

Communication of the ACM

ACM Transaction on Information System

ACM Transaction on Database System

ACM SIG Journals ACM


IEEE Journals, namely:

IEEE Computer

IEEE software

IEEE Transaction on software Engineering

IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management

IEEE Expert

Information Processing and Management

Information Resource Management Journal

Information and software Technology

International Journal of Man-Machine Studies

Behavior and Information Technology

Journal of Database Management System

Journal of Information System

Journal of Information Technology

Journal of Information System Management

Journal of End-User Computing

Journal of Medical System

Journal of Ambulatory Care Management

Journal of Ambulatory care Marketing

Journal of Health Information management and System Society

Journal of Information Technology Management

International Journal of information management

Computer in Healthcare

Database (ACM-SIGBDP)

International Information Systems

Data Resource Management

Decision Support Systems



Management science

Journal of Organizational Science

Journal of Organizational Computing

Decision Sciences

Harvard Business Review

Sloan management Review

California Management Review

Business Horizon

Journal of Management Systems

Accounting, Management  and Information technologies

The journal of Information Systems

Software Practice & Experience

Journal of System and Software

Journal of Object-Oriented Analysis Proceeding of OOPSLA


Trade Journals


Database Programming and Design

Database Management

Business Software

Business software Reviews

Business solution


Computer world

Computer word Focus


DEC Professional

INFORM Magazine

Information Center

Information Week


LAN Magazine

MIS week












Before you turn in your paper… CHECK LIST

  • Have you told reader, at the outset, what they might gain by reading your paper?
  • Have you made aim of your work clear?
  • Have you explained the significance of your contribution?
  • Have you set your work in the appropriate context by giving sufficient background (including an adequate set of relevant references) to your work?
  • Have you addressed the question of practically and usefulness?
  • Have you adequately covered the subject matter?
  • Have structured your paper in a clear and logical fashion?

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