4-3-1 Project 2: Observation Journal
Article Choice:
Two of the ads I chose I could relate to, the other 2 ads aggravated me. I was aggravated how women are still portrayed as sex objects and the companies still use ads with women with perfect figures, hair & make-up which provide insecurities and false representation to the vast majority of the female population that does not look like that. I am curious to know why this is still ok with society in this day and age of empowering women and women wanting 100% equality, including pay rates. The ads I could relate to showed family and life experiences, I am a big family person and love the outdoors.
Assumptions and observations:
Audience: Each advertisement is trying to aim for different audiences; two of them are targeting families, one is more for females and the last one I believe is trying to appeal to everyone who wants to lead a healthy life style. The Alzheimer’s ad I believe was geared for everyone to help educate but is also connecting to those who are or have help care for a family member with Alzheimer’s. I feel three out of the four advertisements I chose were geared more to the male audience. The “perfect body” advertisement although displaying women’s underwear which would be geared for females is using sex appeal to attract men to look at their ad also, same with the “Drink What She’s Wearing”. The Ford advertisement I feel was also attracting the male audience as it had the male figure almost centered in the advertisement and per society men like cars and trucks.
Message: To me each advertisement I chose is giving a different message. The Alzheimer’s advertisement message to me was strong but sad at the same time. To me the ad was showing the joy of family, but the sadness of “losing someone” with Alzheimer’s and they were also trying to educate about the disease at the same time. I feel the advertisement for the Ford Explorer message is life is better when you spend it in the outdoors with family, buy this truck and you can fit your family and all the gear you need. The “Drink What She’s Wearing” ad the message is milk does the body good and promotes health and physical attractiveness however I think this one was missed because their use of a female in a pin-up like pose. In the “Perfect Body” advertisement they are trying to say, buy this bra and underwear you too can look like this but instead they are telling society yet again what a “Perfect Body” should look like. They are telling us the perfect body is not one with curves, extra weight, short, and dark or old. It just tells girls and women that their bodies are not ok and that can be damaging to vulnerable girls self-esteem.
Relationship between people: The Ford and Alzheimer’s are showing a family relationship. The Alzheimer’s is showing a close family happy and enjoying a new edition to the family whereas the Ford advertisement is show a family spread apart but also happy enjoying the outdoors.
Relationship with product: For two of the advertisements the relationship with the product is sex appeal because we have learned in society that sex sells. The companies used thin, tall, beautiful models advertise their product. The other 2 ads show families. The Ford ad showed how you can enjoy the product with your family and the Alzheimer’s ad, it showed what families struggle with, a new edition to the family as another member fades away.
Effectiveness: For me the Alzheimer’s advertisement is the most effective as it tugs at your heart strings, especially if you have had experience with a loved with the disease. The message is also powerful and to me it makes you want to get educated and find ways to help. The Ford ad is probably the least effective, it’s showing the adventure which gets you excited but if I am buying a SUV I want to see all the gear for my adventure packed up in the back of it. The “Drink What She’s Wearing” I think definitely had an effect, a negative one. A few men I showed this to did not even realize it was a milk advertisement; they could not get past the half-naked female posed as a pin-up model. The females were outraged and said they would not buy the product just because of the choice in how they advertised.
Social Science Evidence:
To back up my observation that ad companies only us thin, fit people to sell their products, which were displayed in all four very different ads, I used what we have learned so far. In Module 1 we learned about making observations and assumptions. With observation you use your five senses, which you can easily see in all four ads every person except maybe the grandfather in the Alzheimer’s is thin. Looking at the “Drink What She’s Wearing” ad and the “Perfect Body” advertisement my assumption is the females are very attractive looking. In Module 2 we moved on to learning objective and subjective observations and although my observation mentioning earlier 2 of the ads using sex appeal to sell their product would be a subjection observations, society has shown us that only thin and fit people are accepted in this very diverse world. I have learned in Module three to look at my biases, implicit and explicit. “Implicit bias reflects the bias in judgment and/or behavior that results from subtle cognitive processes and often operates at a level below conscious awareness (Casey, Warren, Cheesman, & Elek, 2012). Learning this now know I may be bias as I fell I do not have the “Perfect Body” as portrayed in the “Perfect Body” ad.
I am curious to know how views would change if companies starting using the average person in their campaigns. For instance, the underwear and milk add, what would happen if the company used full figured women to advertise the product? I’ve seen that Dove has been using more advertisements with women of all shapes and sizes being used and their stocks sky rocked afterwards. If more companies did this would more they have the same result? Would it help change societies view on beauty and what is accepted?
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