Case Study of Danial Assessment Paper
Your assessment paper on the final Case Study of Danial, Parts 1, 2, and 3 will provide you with an opportunity to consider psychopathology issues from a developmental perspective, and to assess the differences between children, adolescents, and adults. This assessment will provide you with a further understanding of psychopathology and improve your diagnostic skills across the life span.
The Case Study of Danial provides three scenarios at different stages in his life. These scenarios each include:
A developmental history.
Family background.
Reason(s) for referral.
Basic assessment results.
Issues in treatment.
After you read each scenario, you will be asked to respond to the same series of questions and to integrate information at each stage of Danial’s life.
Use the Case Study Response Guide to format your assignment for each of the three scenarios. Complete your assessment paper by adding a Part 4 at the end, as described in the instructions.
Respond to the questions below ( The Questions to Address for Danial…) for each part of Danial’s case study. Be particularly careful to integrate information from each preceding developmental stage into your responses, as they provide you with valuable history. Then answer the final questions as Part 4.
Think of each part of the case study as your first exposure to Danial, but in each successive part, you will be expected to consider all material from the previous scenarios. For example:
Part 1: When you respond to the questions in Part 1, all the information you know about Danial is contained in Part 1. Your answers will relate to only this scenario.
Part 2: When you respond to the questions in Part 2, you will have access to the expanded history. Respond to the scenario presented in Danial, Part 2, but also be aware of his previous history detailed in Part 1. Think of Part 1 as information from a medical record. Be sure to integrate this information into your response to the questions in Part 2.
Part 3: When you respond to Part 3, you will have access to the full history. Respond to the information presented in Danial, Part 3 at that point. Be sure to integrate his previous history from Parts 1 and 2 into your Part 3 answer.
Part 4: This is a separate section designed to integrate important issues from this course.
The Questions to Address for Danial, After Each Part (1, 2, and 3)
What are your diagnostic hypotheses for Danial in this scenario? Justify your conclusions.
Describe what further diagnostic information you need (what further diagnostic evaluation is warranted) at the end of this scenario.
From a diathesis-stress perspective, what impact do the cultural, ethnic, and psychosexual issues have on Danial and his family in this scenario, and what other issues may play a role?
Part 4 Questions and Issues
Given Danial’s family background and his open homosexuality, what cultural and ethnic factors do you need to be aware of at the different stages of his life, and how would you deal with them in arriving at your diagnoses? Give your reasoning with supporting documentation.
Compare and contrast the changing roles of psychosexual diagnoses in the DSM text since the 1950s.
Assessment Requirements
To achieve a successful final assessment outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Thoroughness: The paper must address each question completely. Note: Do not restate the questions in your responses.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.
Length of paper: Minimum of 12–15 typed double-spaced pages, excluding title page, table of contents, and reference page.
Font and font size: Arial, 10 point
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