Now that you have your marketing strategy, you can determine which marketing and promotional tactics you’ll use to execute your strategy. For this assignment, you will select the tactics to reach your target audience and measure how they will deliver your strategy. Remember: the tactics selected should be appropriate for your target audience, and since this entire course is about the IMC mix, you want to have a good variety. I would expect no less than 4-5 tactics but the more the better!
As you consider which tactics you will employ, consider whether or not promotions are a good fit for your brand. Over the past decade, many marketers have come to the realization that advertising alone often is not enough to stimulate demand for their products and are increasingly turning to sales promotion methods targeted at both consumers and the trade. Many companies are developing fully integrated marketing programs that include consumer and trade promotions that are coordinated with advertising, publicity/public relations, and Internet marketing programs as well as salesforce efforts. When creating these tactics ensure they are able to be efficiently measured by the company. This allows the marketing campaign to be evaluated for its successes or failures.
Due to the amount of money that is spent on marketing at many companies, leadership expects marketers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. The major reasons offered in your textbook for why measures of effectiveness should be taken include:
Avoiding costly mistakes
Evaluating alternative strategies
Increasing the efficiency of advertising in general
Determining if objectives are achieved
For this assignment, you’ll create suitable tactics for your IMC campaign and provide the measurement methods for each tactic.
For each tactic, you should provide:
· Description of the Tactic – include whether this is a marketing or promotional tactic in the description
· Identify the goal or objective for that tactic
· Describe the measurement methods you’ll use to determine whether or not the tactic met your goal or objective. Note: If you feel a certain tactic cannot or does not need to be measured, make your case.
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