The World Wars History Movie Review

Because France has produced many excellent films on the wars—excellent in artistic quality as well as in the research behind the portrayal of the wars—your next project will be to watch a French war film.

1. Choose one of the following. See the end of this sheet for where to obtain French films. Note that all films below are available in French with English subtitles. The name of the director and the year of production are provided.

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•World War I: Grand Illusion (La Grande Illusion) (Renoir, 1937) Life and Nothing But (La vie et rien d’autre) (Tavernier, 1989) A Very Long Engagement (Un long dimanche de fiançailles) (Jeunet, 2004) Joyeux Noël (Merry Christmas) (Carion, 2005) Frantz (Ozon, 2016)

•World War II: The Silence of the Sea (Le Silence de la mer) (Melville, 1949; also Boutron 2004) Forbidden Games (Les jeux interdits) (Clément, 1952) Is Paris Burning ? (Paris brûle-t-il?) (Clément, 1966) Army of Shadows (L’armée des ombres) (Melville, 1969) The Last Metro (Le dernier métro) (Truffaut, 1980) Au revoir, les enfants (Good-bye, Children) (Malle, 1987) Female Agents (Les Femmes de l’ombre) (Salomé, 2008) La Rafle (The Roundup) (Bosch, 2010) Sarah’s Key (Paquet-Brenner, 2010) Suite Française (Dibb, 2015)

2. Sign up for the film you are going to watch and review by clicking on “Project 2 Sign-Up Sheet” in the blue column on our site. Note that no more than three people may choose the same film. Brief descriptions of each film are on the sign-up sheet.

3. Write up an evaluation of your chosen film with the following sections:

v A very brief summary of the plot. Remember that I have seen these films, so I do not need a blowby-blow account of the action. A paragraph (in your own words) will suffice.

v Your analysis:

o What aspect of the war did it emphasize?

o Based on what you have read and learned, did the depiction of the war seem realistic and accurate, or not?

o Did you learn something new about the war or about France that you didn’t know before? Or did it reinforce or contradict what you have already learned?

o Give at least three specific examples. v Research this film a bit.

o What is the story behind the film? What is the significance of the title? Is it autobiographical in any way? Is it based on a true story? Is it an adaptation of a novel? (Note: It may not be any of these things. But find out what you can.)

o What did critics say about it? Are there conflicting opinions among critics? Cite at least two critics. (Please choose professional film critics—not the opinion of random people on Rotten Tomatoes or some other such site.)

o Cite your sources (not just with a “works cited” list, but with footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical citations as well). If you do not know how to cite properly, please go to the library or the writing center for help.

v Your personal reaction to the film. What did you like or not like about it, and why? What was your favorite (and/or least favorite) scene? Do you agree or disagree with the critics? Was there anything in the film that surprised or confused you? How did this film add to your knowledge of the war? Include other comments as you wish.

4. Submit your write-up as a .doc or .docx file to the Project 2 Assignment area in the blue column on the left of the Blackboard screen by Tuesday, March 31. Earlier submissions encouraged! Where to find French films

v Check the St. John’s University library site. They have a number of films available for free download ( as well as DVDs available at the Media Center in the library (third floor).

v The Queens County Library has a very good selection of French films that you can borrow for free. You can go online to find which branch carries which films ( you are not in Queens, you can do a New York Public Library search ( to see which films are where.

v Amazon Prime Video is a good source for many (but not all) of the above-mentioned films; you can download films to watch on your computer for a modest rental or purchase fee. Go to, and in the drop-down menu, choose Prime Video. Type in the name of your film—if English doesn’t work, type in the French. All the films in their collection have trailers that you can watch before renting. Once you give your payment information, you can watch the film. Available titles for rent: A Very Long Engagement, Army of Shadows, Frantz, The Silence of the Sea (Melville version), The Last Metro, La Rafle, Joyeux Noël, Is Paris Burning?, Female Agents, Sarah’s Key.

v iTunes, now AppleTV, also has rental choices: Grand Illusion, A Very Long Engagement, Frantz, The Silence of the Sea (Melville version), The Last Metro, Joyeux Noël, Is Paris Burning?, Female Agents, Sarah’s Key, Army of Shadows.

v has the following: Sarah’s Key, Suite Française. v YouTube Movies has the following movies to buy or to rent: Grand Illusion, A Very Long Engagement, Joyeux Noël, Frantz, Is Paris Burning, Army of Shadows, Au Revoir les Enfants, Female Agents, La Rafle.

v might have some.

v Video stores (if they still exist) might have some of these films.

v HuluPlus may have some of these films.

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